Companies we have done work for:
- ANZ Bank
- Aitken, Walker and Strachan
- Amcal Vic Retail Operations
- Alfred Hospital
- Australian Catholic University
- Australian Labour Party
- Autobarn
- Benetas
- Barry Plant
- Betta Health
- Biggin Scott
- Blockbuster Video
- Boeing Corporation
- Boise Office Solutions
- Bolle Australia
- Box Hill Hospital
- Bunnings Warehouse
- Bureau of Meteorology
- C P A Australia
- Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne
- Ceberano Martial Arts Academy
- Cecconis Restaurant
- Centro Properties Group
- Chalmers Industries
- Country Womens Association of Vic. Inc
- Department Of Defence
- Department of Education, Employment and Training
- Department Of Justice
- Dobsons
- Don Smallgoods Co
- Dorevitch Pathology
- Dow Chemical
- Epworth Hospital
- Field Group, The
- Flickers Australia
- Flight Centre
- Ford Performance Vehicles
- Golden Circle
- Government Relations Australia Advisory Pty Ltd
- Gribbles Radiology
- H A G Imports Corpn
- Hawthorn Football Club
- Ivanhoe Cycles
- John Pierce Centre
- J V Marine World
- Karcher
- Kingswood College
- Kwik Kopy
- Liberty Oil Corporation
- Mayne Group
- Mazda Australia
- MECU Limited
- Melbourne East Group Training
- Melbourne Pathology
- Mitre 10
- National Medical and Imaging Group (NMIG)
- Northern Hospital
- Oamps Insurance Broker
- Optus World
- Parliamentary Library of Victoria
- Preshil School
- Priceline Pharmacy
- Pulse Pharmacy
- Reynolds and Reynolds
- Robot Trading
- Select -O- Pedic Bedding Pty Ltd
- Science Teachers Association of Victoria
- Sigma Company Limited
- Scotch College
- South Port Community Nursing Home
- Stihl Pty Ltd
- Subaru
- Ultra Tune
- T A B
- Victorian Commission of Gambling Regulation (VCGR)