End of financial year 2017
Printer Services Newsletter 7.1
End of financial year 2017
It has been a busy time since our last newsletter and with the end of financial year speeding towards us; we are sending this newsletter out to give every one of our clients time to prepare. In keeping with our belief more than ever that “customer service” is the key product of the future; here are our two main points of advice for this end of financial year.
Printers in Your Workplace
Printing and printers are still an essential part of every business with thousands of pages printed every day. This is a huge and ongoing cost on business in both time and consumables. As not every business is able or set up to go paperless at this point in time, here are two helpful things to look at to keep your costs down and efficiency up.
Review your Current Setup.
How long have you had your printers? Is the old reliable workhorse doing the job as well as it used too? Maybe it’s time to upgrade. Especially when it comes to colour, if your machine has a large page count on the clock there is an ever increasing likelihood of breakdown or forced obsolescence. The cost of consumables and replacement parts on some of the older machines will be high with some manufacturers purging all end of life stock for machines over a certain age. It is also good to note that with newer consumables, although costing possibly the same, may have a higher yield which means a cost saving in the long run. Add this to warranties and the increasing reliability of new machines, you have to ask is it time to update?
Always Use Genuine.
Always use genuine toners, as on the surface the initial cost of a remanufactured or refilled toner may look cheaper, they will without doubt cause problems with the machine in time which can cost a lot more than just using genuine toner in the first place. Not only that, you may have substandard quality copies from the machine, less page yield than you expect and the possible loss of warranty on the machine. With brands like Fuji Xerox and Kyocera it must be noted that there is more technology in their toner cartridges than a non genuine toner, Fuji toners contain developer agent to refill the developers and Kyocera toner has added components that help keep their drums and developers running at peak efficiency.