2019 New Year, New Machines
Printer Services Newsletter 9.0
2019 New Year, New Machines
It’s 2019 and with the new year we have new models of Fuji Xerox and Kyocera Printers fresh into the market ready to improve your productivity. Head over to printerservices.com.au and check out the range including the feature packed Fuji Xerox DocuCentre SC2022 and the extremely reliable Kyocera ECOSYS P2040. When it comes to a new machine there is the question of what to do with the old one, so we want to share with you a little about recycling.
We all have old computers, printers or empty toners boxed up and sitting in storage. Here’s how to dispose of that waste in a responsible way that is good for the environment and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.
Most council waste transfer centres now offer e-waste. What does that mean? Well, they take the old computers and printers, strip them down and take out the different metals and plastics which can be then recycled and used again. E-waste recycling services are provided across metropolitan, regional and remote Australia as part of the Australian Government’s National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme. This industry-funded scheme makes it easier for people to have their televisions, computers, printers, computer parts and accessories recycled for free. Check your local or adjacent councils to see if they are a participating in the e-waste program.
Planet Ark
This program collects and returns cartridges for remanufacturing and recycling - therefore keeping them out of landfill. Planet Ark is successfully working with Brother, Canon, Epson, HP, Konica Minolta and Kyocera to collectively take responsibility for the end life of their products. This voluntary Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program is one of the most successful of its type in the world. Help us save energy, water and resources by recycling your “Cartridges 4 Planet Ark”. Planet Ark has a toner cartridge recycling program that takes the empty toners and recycles them into road surfaces. You can sign up for a bin at your office (see web address below) or take the empty toners to the Post ffice or Officeworks and place them in the bins provided.